Bridery- My made (or is it?) term for the buying of brides online.,, and
are all great examples of what our world is coming to today. The buying of brides, essentially permanent prostitutes, that vow to remain yours for life. Personally, my morals force me to consider this a pretty messed up trade. If you notice, most of these women are from either Russia, or poor, third-world countries, and really have no other way of getting out other than essentially being baught by someone. My inquiry is to whether or not these women really stick to the committment. Is there a contract that they have to sign that obliges them to servitude, or says they won't run away? If there is a contract, under what government is it legally binding? How do these women get to come to America? Does the man have to "claim" her as being his, or does she just apply for a student/workers permit/visa to stay? I have a lot of inquiries as to the way this system works. I do know that out of Russia and Eastern Europe, women are tricked into going to other countries to "work jobs" that will allow them to make money and send it to their families back home, who are in desperate need. They are then tricked into prositution, and told that they can buy their way out so long as they can work off a debt- essentially the amount the pimp bought them for. Unforunately for them though, it's never actually possible for them to buy their freedom, because the pimp ups their debts big time for the smallest things, i.e. a customer complaint, etc. What ultimately ends up happening, is that if a girl is to be saved, then its up to the family/husband of the girl to do the job. They end up having to bribe the pimp into letting their loved one go, otherwise the police would be notified, for example.
Most of this entire process was achieved through the internet. On sites like the above, as well as other sites that are encrypted, or offer the same information except through encoding or disguise, illegal human trafficking takes place every day. This is a fact. So while AU has a seemingly large movement to end the human rights infractions in Darfur, Sudan, my question is why AU doesn't have a movement to end illegal human trafficking/forced prostitution in eastern europe? Does it not matter enough, or has just nobody come up with the idea until now? I wonder sometimes where our true motives/money go. There exist, too, non-profits that money can be donated to in order to help this cause.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Bridery and Bribery
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8:25:00 PM
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